PhD Alumni

Academic Year 2018

Helfrich, Monique V. “Crafting Policy in the Face of Uncertainty: Managing the Risk of High-Consequence Operations”

Academic Year 2016

Cohen, Marty, “Testing Theories of Innovation Diffusion:  Analysis of Physicians’ Adoption of Electronic Health Records”

Sklarew, Jennifer, “Shock to the System:  How Catastrophic Events And Institutional Relationships Impact Japanese Energy Policymaking, Resilience, And Innovation”

Academic Year 2015

Kallas, Kadri.  “Innovation in the Services Sector: Towards a New Typological Theory.”

Academic Year 2014

Davis, Ted.  “High-Skill Migration as a Positive-Sum Relationship for Tradable Services: The Case of India and the United States.”

Gutierrez, Juan Julio.  “Plant-Level Innovation Patterns in a Globalized World:  A Latin American Perspective.”

Zelnio, Ryan J.  “A Complexity Approach to Evaluating National Scientific Systems through International Collaboration.”

Academic Year 2013

Tian, Fangmeng, “Emigration of Chinese Scientists and Its Impacts on National Research Performance From A Sending Country Perspective.”