
Faculty and students affiliated with CSTIP carry out rigorous, policy-oriented, social science research on a wide range of subjects. Our projects have received support from U.S. government agencies, including the National Science Foundation and the Small Business Administration, and charitable foundations, such as the Kauffman and Smith-Richardson Foundations. We also carry out projects because they are interesting and important, even if there is no sponsor. Doctoral students in the Schar School affiliated with CSTIP are typically carrying out dissertation research, and many also work with faculty on research projects. Current areas of interest include, among others, clean energy innovation, advanced manufacturing, regional innovation systems, broadening participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and big data.

Clean Energy Innovation

David Hart prepared studies of diffusion of grid-scale batteries and solar photovoltaics for the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Policy and Strategic Analysis in the spring of 2016.  This work built on the book Unlocking Energy Innovation:  How America Can Build a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon Energy System  (MIT Press, co-authored by Richard K. Lester of the MIT Industrial Performance Center), which appeared in 2012.  In the 2016-2017, he will be a senior fellow with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, organizing events and publishing on clean energy innovation.

Advanced Manufacturing

David Hart with colleagues at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation released “Why American Needs a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation.”  This work builds on Prof. Hart’s 2011-2012 service as assistant director for innovation policy at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

Regional Economic Development

As a senior fellow with the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program, David Hart is working on the advanced industries project.  A trends update will be published in August 2016, to be followed by a set of policy recommendations for Federal and regional policy makers in the fall of 2016

The Science of Broadening Participation in STEM

  • Fealing, K.H., P.M.A. Baker, C.L. McNeely, and A. Hanus. 2019. “A Research Agenda for the Science of Broadening Participation:  STEM Employment of Persons with Disabilities.” Science Policy Research Report, U.S. National Science Foundation. Featured in the video “What is the Science of Science and Innovation Policy” at
  • McNeely, C.L., and K. Husbands Fealing, Guest Editors. 2018. American Behavioral Scientist, Volume 62, Number 5. Special Issue: The Science of Broadening Participation in STEM.
  • Symposium on the Science of Broadening Participation, 25-26 February 2016, Arlington, Virginia.  PI:  C.L. McNeely, NSF 1551880 (with K.H. Fealing, Georgia Tech, NSF 1551904). []

Big Data Analytics

  • Schintler, L., and C.L. McNeely, Editors-in-Chief. 2017/2018 (ongoing). The Encyclopedia of Big Data. New York: Springer-Nature. []
  • Kuiler, E., and C.L. McNeely. 2018. “Big Data Analytics in the Federal Health Domain: An Ontological Approach to Data Interoperability.” In Federal Data Science: Transforming Government and Agricultural Policy Using Artificial Intelligence, edited by F.A. Batarseh and R. Yang. London: Elsevier.
  • McNeely, C.L., Guest Issue Coordinator. 2015. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Volume 101, Number 3. Special Issue: Big Data Analytics and Workforce Initiatives, Research, and Challenges.
  • McNeely, C.L., Guest Special Section Editor. 2014. Review of Policy Research, Volume 31, Number 4.  Special Symposium Section: Big Data Policy, Prospects, and Challenges.