CSTIP/CESIS Joint Workshop

Local to Global, Global to Local
Innovation Systems and Public Policy in a Global Economy

CSTIP/CESIS Joint Workshop on Innovation, Policy, and Growth

 Friday, November 13 & 14 – Arlington Original Building, Room 245

With CSTIP’s partners from the Center for Excellence in Science and Innovation Studies at the Royal Institute of Technology and Jonkoping Business School in Stockholm, this workshop will explore the linkages between local, national, and global innovation systems and the role of public policy in shaping the performance of these systems and linkages. The event is free and open to all interested members of the research and policy communities. The full agenda is found below the registration box on this page. Advance registration is greatly appreciated for planning purposes. For further information, please contact Kadri Kallas at kkallas@gmu.edu. Major funding for the workshop is provided by the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA).

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NOTE: The following contains links to the Keynote Presentations that took place in the event.

Agenda: Friday, November 13

9:00 a.m.
Welcome: Dean Kingsley Haynes, School of Public Policy

Keynote Address: Marc Berejka, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, U.S. Department of Commerc

10:00 a.m.

10:15 a.m.
Introduction: David Hart, CSTIP; Martin Andersson, CESIS

10:30 a.m.
Panel: Returns to R&D and Spillovers
Chair: Kingsley Haynes, GMU
Martin Andersson and Börje Johansson, CESIS: Heterogeneity Distributions of Profit, Productivity and R&D Inputs
Zoltan Acs, GMU: A Spatial Competition Model of Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship
Edward Wolff, New York University: Spillovers, Linkages, and Productivity Growth in the US Economy, 1947 to 2005

12:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.
Panel: Local Impacts of Global Innovation Networks
Chair: Martin Andersson, CESIS
Hans Lööf, CESIS: Multinational Enterprises and Innovation: Firm-level Evidence on Spillovers via R&D Collaboration.
Juan Julio Gutierrez, GMU: Globalization of Production and Innovation Patterns: Sectoral Heterogeneity and Distance to the Technological Frontier
Borje Johansson, CESIS: The Global-Local Interplay of MNE and Non-MNE Firms

2:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Roundtable: U.S. and European High-Skill International Migration Policies
Chair: David Hart, GMU
Lindsay Lowell, Georgetown
Connie McNeely, GMU
Madeleine Sumption, Migration Policy Institute

4:30 p.m.

Evening reception (by invitation only) at House of Sweden (Washington DC)

Agenda: Saturday, November 14

9:00 a.m.

Panel: Multinational R&D
Chair: Borje Johansson, CESIS
Ivo Zander, Uppsala University: Foreign Technological Capabilities as Growth Engines of the MNC
John Cantwell, Rutgers: Knowledge Accession Strategies and the Spatial Organization of R&D
Paul Almeida, Georgetown: Creating Knowledge Advantages through Global Alliance Networks

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.
Panel: Global/Local Science Networks
Chair: Christopher Hill, GMU
Andreas Stephan, CESIS: Evidence for Research and Company Spin-Offs
Ryan Zelnio, GMU: Exploring International Scientific Cooperation Using Social Network Analysis
Jeffrey Alexander, SRI: Corporate Support for Non-Private Research: Global and Local Sourcing of Competences and Expertise

12:15 p.m.

1:30 p.m.
Roundtable: New Directions for Innovation Policy
Chair: Philip Auerswald, GMU
Pontus Braunerhjelm, CESIS
Chris Hill, GMU
Roger Stough, GMU

3:00 p.m.